Residential Filtration

Hard Water

You can’t usually tell by looking at water whether it’s hard or soft. Sometimes the feel of water and what it does to items in your dishwasher or washing machine can be a tip-off. We will test for this at no charge.

Signs of hard water include:

  • Feeling a film on your hands after washing them. This is caused by the soap reacting with calcium to form soap scum. You may need to rinse your hands longer if the water is hard.
  • Spots. These can appear on glasses and silverware coming out of the dishwasher. These are usually deposits of calcium carbonate.
  • Mineral stains. These show up on clothes when they come out of the washing machine. Clothes can wear out faster because of the harshness of hard water.
  • Less water pressure in your home. Mineral deposits can form in the pipes, essentially shrinking the interior diameter of the pipes and reducing water flow.
  • Hard water is one of the main culprits for the failing of hot water heaters

If you have symptoms of hard water contact us for a solution to help your home and your health!

Well Water

Well water can be the best type of water if you know it is safe. Some types of contaminates are: 

  • iron
  • sulfur
  • arsenic
  • E coli
  • Coliform Bacteria
  • pesticides
  • hardness
  • tannins
  • and more!

Filtration for wells are entirely based on the contaminates that show in your water test. It is reccommended that you have your well water tested yearly because nature can change.